Linkedin Ads Reporting Software with Templates

Connect Linkedin Account to generate a standard report automatically. Customize report with your branding to share with colleagues & clients.
Linkedin Ads Reporting Template
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Simple & Clean Linkedin Ads Reports

Drag & Drop Linkedin Ads Metrics to create a custom report with metrics of your choice.

Reuse Reports

Save reports as templates. Reuse as templates for all of your clients

Campaign Performance

Campaign level performance data with clicks, CTR, spend etc

Conversions Vs Spend

Track conversions against ad spend & visualize quickly

Campaign & Geographical Performance

Report on campaign level performance & performance in various geographies.

  • Campaign Wise Performance
  • ROI by Country
  • Clicks by Geography
Linkedin Ads Client Report Sample
Linkedin Ads Reporting Metrics

Conversion & Revenue Impact

Impact of Linkedin Ads on Topline. Identify best performing ads & campaigns

  • Conversion Value
  • Spend Vs Return - ROI
  • Ad Level Performance

Conversion & Revenue Impact

Impact of Linkedin Ads on Topline. Identify best performing ads & campaigns

  • Conversion Value
  • Spend Vs Return - ROI
  • Ad Level Performance
Linkedin Ads Reporting Metrics

Audience Demographics

Report on Ad Performance with demographics data. Drill down on performance data

  • Reach by Industry
  • Job Function & Seniority
  • Performance by Demographics
Linkedin Ads Monthly Client Report Example